As you can imagine, I get a lot of questions from clients. Working with me is a process involving a lot of soul searching and questions that can range from mildly curious to deeply personal. This page contains a sampling of questions along with the best answers I can provide without going into each unique situation. If you have a question that you don’t see here and/or you would like to dive deeper into specific questions, let’s connect.

  • Ask any potential coach for references and make sure they are certified. Most importantly, you want a coach who can relate to what you are challenged with.

  • Coaching is future focused and best when used to build on your strengths. We combine coaching the DISC assessment to better help determine how to build on those personality traits.

  • The simple answer is no; however, those of us, like me, who are have been specially trained in coaching and assessments. We are talking about developing your future, having a certified coach ensures you get the best possible support.

Contact Us.

I know that finding the right consultant to assist you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why I offer a free consultation to learn more about me and if myservices our right for you. Please click on button below and let’s connect. I look forward to talking with you!